Sunday, February 16, 2014

Update Feb 14

10 min recordings daily without fail
15min*4vid*2days per weekend

Overlap strategy:

Next 27 - 6 (L+CFA):
Corp Fin C+L+RP 10%
C & database L+QCF (FI Derv)
Language VA  L+QCF

March 11-20 (CFA RP):
After 10 Quant C + RP (regression) 10%
Equity quant BAT/CFA/RP 20%
Repo Strategies

March 20-30 (CFA+J)
IJ economics CFA - regulation - GDP - currency
Accounting :M&A + Pension + Trapped cash RP (in Excel)
Ethics & VA Qcf

3P by EOMarch

April (IJ+CFA)
Portfolio IJ (two places)
Equity private company IJ

May (IJ CFA)

Nothing in:

1) IJ website and videos - documentary - and research papers
2) CFA l2 Video maknig (till May end)- for fggc offspring - this will bse used to move BAT Course out to Udemy
3) Qcfinance (till March 10) - C database and IS in quant finance
the databse part i will add in MATALB, the C part i will add in VBA course
4) Research paper on quant corp fin (t3 pp till June) - monte carlo, regression, i will move ahead work on regression paper- the third possible is active share repo based on companies financials - currently one paper has it all
5) Other reserach papers on Qnat finance - matlab and prime brokers
6) Manage thinngs around and train peopel as required

FGGC is low on prioty
Not taknig 1 on 1 classes anymore
Low priorty items
Nanotech website development and ciompany
Other MATALB VBA i am keeping low priority
Nehal can do matlab
VBa is cimplete
BAT compelte (but CFA l2 will overlap, i will make it for bat also)
FRM Course not taking

CMT CFTe not taking (can do this if someone takes care of IJ work)

Things you want to get:

IJ (mix this with CFA) - U need 4 pp in 1 month - then apply there or apply the 4 places you have though of.. deadline finish by feb end

Adm (GMAT + research pp) - feasibility - others not urgent...

JC (CFA + SAS ) - Not feasible, Rp * 2 QCF movement in india,

Money (qcf, bat, matlab) - No partners

LP - finish by 24 feb


Documentary first few pages chapters - services update

Research paper - publish 3 - complete by 31st Jan - finish matlab and Prime brokerage somehow

Regression 100 - macro? all the factors used till date.. regression with square, all things that passed, most of the common factors, other transform possible? questions and answers...

IT HW LPU - give pp to get this by Aug

CFA L2 Accounting Equity and Corp Fin - BAT - March starts means this is imp

SAS Base - v low priority

Qcf Updates -

gmat - asap


Prime brokerage